

It can definitely feel stressful deciding how much to invest in your educational expenses especially in this current economical climate. I had friends who would pay between hundreds of dollars for some basic tutoring services or thousands of dollars for prepping courses tutoring for exams such as the LSAT or MCAT. As part of this simple learning program, I'm offering affordable prices that won't hurt your wallet (or your parents) and have the same quality experience as higher priced companies!

Cost of Courses

Depending on the nature of the course, I'll have different rates to ensure some fairness but still keep it at an affordable price. If you're not able to afford these rates, talk with me and I'll definitely work with you to meet at a place that's comfortable for you!


Rudimentary Algebra - $25/hr
College Algebra - $30/hr
Precalculus - $35/hr
Calculus I - $40/hr
Differential Equations - $40/hr

Life Sciences

Biology (1st semester) - $30/hr
Anatomy and Physiology - $35/hr
Histology - $40/hr
Cell Biology - $40/hr

Physical Sciences

College Physics - $25/hr
University Physics - $35/hr
Chemistry - $25/hr
Organic Chemistry - $35/hr